E-WOD Issue #14

Jun 14, 2024

Issue 14


Training Over The Hill, 5 Books, Finishing What You Start, Complexes and Professional Outsourcing?


Welcome to this week’s E-WOD fam! Today we’re covering:


  • Training for high training ages

  • 5 Books every coach should know

  • Finish what you started

  • Complexes…best or worst?

  • Outsource like a Pro


Happy Another Friday!


I hope all the parents out there are surviving the last couple weeks of school because DANG…the schedule for these last days rivals a Carnival cruise ship’s entertainment agenda.


Dani has singlehandedly kept our local Hobby Lobby and Walgreens alive with all the hair color, costumes and gifts she’s had to buy.


Glad I’m a dad and glad she leads the charge on that stuff.


Personally I am counting the days until Sunday when I can enjoy all the foods I love completely guilt free since I’ve been starving for two months now trying to lose my sugar-handles.


So to all the dads reading this, Happy Father’s Day brother, and keep doing the lord’s work. Your kids are fortunate to have you and are going to grow up healthier and wiser than most, and that’s to be celebrated.


Enjoy your day. Now, let’s dive into this week’s E-WOD!




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By Jason Brown


I’ve gotta give some credit to the keyboard warriors of the world.


I do NOT have their confidence.


I posted this Short on YouTube, and received this comment:


From a guy with more chins than I have kids.


No disrespect but I’m not sure that’s the guy I’m going to start taking training advice from.


Here’s the reality:


I have a very high training age. I don’t need the same volume that an intermediate lifter needs to get the same result.


Personally, the reason I train is to: 


A. Prepare for my two incredibly beautiful daughters to have boyfriends


B. Live a long, healthy, athletic life and not have to fear bending over, lifting a wheelbarrow or lifting a boyfriend up with one hand by their neck


I don’t need to “peak” but I want to be at the highest levels of strength, performance and physique that I can maintain year-round.


Aka “peak sustainability”.


I love full body concurrent training because it fits so well with that goal.


A person with a high training age has needs that are different than a 20something that wants beach muscles and doesn’t care about heart health (yet).


The moral is: get on a training program that’ll keep you your best all year like EVOLV


Or, go take YouTube Guy’s advice.




By Jason Brown

I polled my audience recently and asked where most people get their fitness education.


The top answer by a landslide?




Oy vey.


Back when I was learning, we walked to school uphill both ways, we read books…am I aging myself?!)


Here’s a quick video on the 5 resources that laid the framework for my unique program design.




By Dani Brown


I love knowing the why behind things.


It helps me immensely to be able to follow through with whatever I’m aiming at.


Coincidentally, this little blurb of info talks about WHY following through is so beneficial to the human mind.


>> What happens when we don’t finish hard things


And to drive this home, a book that you may have heard of that Jason just finally got around to reading, was truly the catalyst to help him curb his sugar addiction once and for all-- and it’s called_ >> (Keep Reading: Finish What You Started)_ Atomic Habits.


Great one if you struggle to maintain consistency.


Atomic Habits Book





I’ve loved complexes since I was a young college athlete.


They are probably the most effective training method in terms of work being done in a certain amount of time.


And because the load you use is almost intrinsically limited by the movements that can be done, injury chance is very low.


Kettlebells just add to the beauty of complexes, allowing the joints to >> (Keep Reading: Complex-ity) move freely without being forced into an unnatural position which barbells can tend to do.


Here’s a few of my favorite KB complexes:




Success as an online business in 2024 looks a lot different than it did just a few years ago.


To be successful online you need to be doing things like:


  • Creating longform content to build expertise and trust

  • Creating exclusive content for your clients

  • Continued education

  • Improving your social media with engaging content

  • Learning how to nurture and convert


And all that stuff takes a lot of time.


But what if you had one big thing removed off your plate.


What if you never had to write one single training program ever again.




And what if not writing another program meant you also:


...Started getting your clients the best results of their life


...Never wondered again if your clients would renew with you


...Never dealt with imposter syndrome again


...And had your clients saying things like this:

I’m going back to my roots, where it all started, when I was providing the training for more than 30,000 athletes every single day for more than five years…


Providing the best ‘Done For You’ programming on the market.


This is not simply just my training subscriptions, this is programming specifically created with your clients in mind…


A constant stream of FOUR fresh programs that you’ll be able to deliver to tens, hundreds, even thousands of athletes with a single click of a button.


Interested in learning about this service?


Keep your eyes peeled next week for an email titled “I write programs so you don’t have to”.



As always, thank you for reading this week’s issue of E-WOD!

See you next week and remember, results are king

JB + DB 


PS - if you have a moment would you give us your opinion on E-WOD? There may be a free gift involved 😌⇩