Write World-Class Training Programs With My Evidence-Based Templates Used On 100,000+ Athletes Worldwide


Write World-Class Training Programs With My Evidence-Based Templates Used On 100,000+ Athletes Worldwide


The Foundation Is EVERYTHING


We’ve all heard the saying “Don’t build your house on sand”…

And yet 1000s of coaches do exactly that…

The lack of ability to leave their “cookie-cutter program box” and provide customized solutions for a client’s needs causes them to fall short on their promises and end up in a churn-and-burn cycle…

As client after client achieves nothing but disappointment & frustration with their poor results.

If only the coach focused on the foundation, their reputation & results would speak for themselves…

And that foundation is…



Make It Undeniable


The principle is simple: become so good at creating custom programming for every single client, that they can’t help but achieve the best results of their life.

With so many options out there, it can be hard to know who you can trust.

That’s why I wanted to bridge the gap & empower anyone passionate about writing effective programs that deliver long-term results with everything I’ve learned over the last 15+ years.

And I’m putting every ounce of experience into this training handbook for you to use!

The Foundation Is EVERYTHING

We’ve all heard the saying “Don’t build your house on sand”…

And yet 1000s of coaches do exactly that…

The lack of ability to leave their “cookie-cutter program box” and provide customized solutions for a client’s needs causes them to fall short on their promises and end up in a churn-and-burn cycle…

As client after client achieves nothing but disappointment & frustration with their poor results.

If only the coach focused on the foundation, their reputation & results would speak for themselves…

And that foundation is…


Make It Undeniable

The principle is simple: become so good at creating custom programming for every single client, that they can’t help but achieve the best results of their life.

With so many options out there, it can be hard to know who you can trust.

That’s why I wanted to bridge the gap & empower anyone passionate about writing effective programs that deliver long-term results with everything I’ve learned over the last 15+ years.

And I’m putting every ounce of experience into this training handbook for you to use!

UTTH: A Complete Library Of Training Templates With Sample Programming For Any Goal.

My programming systems have been used by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. With this handbook by your side, you’ll be be able to:

Quickly Write Custom 1-Off Programs

Become a programming powerhouse who can create maximally effective programs on a whim.


Learn Concurrent Mixed Modality Programming

Mastering these three systems of programming has been a life-changing skill, and I know it can be for you as well.


Deliver Long-Term Results

There is no better way to ensure your clients will stick around than delivering unparalleled results. With elite programming, you’ll be setting the best foundational for this possible.

Seamlessly Integrate Strength & Conditioning Work

Don’t let your athletes settle for one or the other. By integrating both throughout your programs, you can be confident in creating only the most balanced athletes.


Perfectly Assess Your Clients’ Needs

No two people are the same, and the ability to customize a plan is one of the most valuable assets in your toolbox.


Avoid Confusion

Say goodbye to all the confusion and outdated information related to effective programming for good.

UTTH: A Complete Library Of Training Templates With Sample Programming For Any Goal.

My programming systems have been used by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. With this handbook by your side, you’ll be be able to:

Quickly Write Custom 1-Off Programs

Become a programming powerhouse who can create maximally effective programs on a whim.

Learn Concurrent Mixed Modality Programming

Mastering these three systems of programming has been a life-changing skill, and I know it can be for you as well.

Deliver Long-Term Results

There is no better way to ensure your clients will stick around than delivering unparalleled results. With elite programming, you’ll be setting the best foundational for this possible.

Seamlessly Integrate Strength & Conditioning Work

Don’t let your athletes settle for one or the other. By integrating both throughout your programs, you can be confident in creating only the most balanced athletes.

Perfectly Asses Your Clients’ Needs

No two people are the same, and the ability to customize a plan is one of the most valuable assets in your toolbox.

Avoid Confusion

Say goodbye to all the confusion and outdated information related to effective programming for good.

This Is A Deep Dive Into 15 Templates Based On Three Systems Of Programming Used By 100,000+ Athletes Over A Decade+

Over the years, I realized that programming was one of the most important skills to master, and yet no solid information out there existed.

This handbook is a complete library of templates you can use as a base for your plug-and-play custom programming with every new client you onboard.

It includes exercise charts, programming templates for every weekly split possible, & multiple custom plans I’ve developed over the years of coaching athletes with all kinds of goals & needs.


This Is A Deep Dive Into 15 Templates Based On Three Systems Of Programming Used By 100,000+ Athletes Over A Decade+

Over the years, I realized that programming was one of the most important skills to master, and yet no solid information out there existed.

This handbook is a complete library of templates you can use as a base for your plug-and-play custom programming with every new client you onboard.

It includes exercise charts, programming templates for every weekly split possible, & multiple custom plans I’ve developed over the years of coaching athletes with all kinds of goals & needs.


What's Included?

Movement Pattern Hierarchy Chart

Not all movements are created the same way and having a basic understanding of how to classify movements helps set the stage for proper exercise selection, in both strength training and conditioning pieces.

Exercise Selection Chart

Knowing how to differentiate between bilateral, unilateral, isolation movements and more is critical to designing an effective training session and something you’ll see real-world examples of within the templates in The Ultimate Training Template Handbook (you’ll learn how to shift through tried and true exercises vs. bs exercises you see from most social media influencers)

2-6x Per Week Programming

Someone who trains 3x per week vs. someone who can train 6x per week requires different approaches - these templates, based on training frequency, highlight scenarios ranging from 2x per week to 6x per week.

Each category has multiple options such as strength-based, conditioning-biased, and balanced training approaches so there something here for everyone (these are real-world templates that have been tested and used with 100,000s of individuals.)

Strength Biased Templates

Learn how to bias strength qualities for individuals who desire to build strength, size, and power, but most importantly have the vital metrics to support it (you’ll learn about how to assess that in this course!)

Conditioning Biased Templates

We live in a chronically stressed-out world yet most people are biasing resistance training and leaving conditioning as afterthought - this is ass-backwards.

With conditioned biased templates you'll learn how to bias aerobic conditioning for individuals who desperately need a break from living in ‘fight or flight’

Balanced Training Templates

Learn how to balance both strength training and conditioning modalities in one seamless program that not only delivers great results but also allows people to improve their ability to tolerate stress, in and outside of the gym.

Basics Of Exercise Order Guide

Exercise order is one of the most butchered fundamentals of program design, but luckily for you, I’ve simplified this so you’ll know exactly where to place each exercise (the hierarchy of movement patterns will play out well here) in your training sessions so you’re maximizing results and the quality of your training sessions.

Basics Of Sets, Reps, Rest Intervals

Sets, reps, and rest intervals are a critical piece of the programming puzzle that puts the cherry on the proverbial sundae, yet many coaches overlook their power - never miss the boat again on proper sets, reps, and rest intervals.

How To Assess Whether A Client Needs More Strength Training Or Conditioning

Proper assessment is often overlooked and people often just look for a ‘hard workout’ or something that will make them sweat and get sore, but they are guessing. Don’t guess when you can assess what someone needs to move forward, make gains, and improve all aspects of their fitness and lives.


What's Included?

Movement Pattern Hierarchy Chart

Not all movements are created the same way and having a basic understanding of how to classify movements helps set the stage for proper exercise selection, in both strength training and conditioning pieces.

Exercise Selection Chart

Knowing how to differentiate between bilateral, unilateral, isolation movements and more is critical to designing an effective training session and something you’ll see real-world examples of within the templates in The Ultimate Training Template Handbook (you’ll learn how to shift through tried and true exercises vs. bs exercises you see from most social media influencers)

2-6x Per Week Programming

Someone who trains 3x per week vs. someone who can train 6x per week requires different approaches - these templates, based on training frequency, highlight scenarios ranging from 2x per week to 6x per week.

Each category has multiple options such as strength-based, conditioning-biased, and balanced training approaches so there something here for everyone (these are real-world templates that have been tested and used with 100,000s of individuals.)

Strength Biased Templates

Learn how to bias strength qualities for individuals who desire to build strength, size, and power, but most importantly have the vital metrics to support it (you’ll learn about how to assess that in this course!)

Conditioning Biased Templates

We live in a chronically stressed-out world yet most people are biasing resistance training and leaving conditioning as afterthought - this is ass-backwards.

With conditioned biased templates you'll learn how to bias aerobic conditioning for individuals who desperately need a break from living in ‘fight or flight’

Balanced Training Templates

Learn how to balance both strength training and conditioning modalities in one seamless program that not only delivers great results but also allows people to improve their ability to tolerate stress, in and outside of the gym.

Basics Of Exercise Order Guide

Exercise order is one of the most butchered fundamentals of program design, but luckily for you, I’ve simplified this so you’ll know exactly where to place each exercise (the hierarchy of movement patterns will play out well here) in your training sessions so you’re maximizing results and the quality of your training sessions.

Basics Of Sets, Reps, Rest Intervals

Sets, reps, and rest intervals are a critical piece of the programming puzzle that puts the cherry on the proverbial sundae, yet many coaches overlook their power - never miss the boat again on proper sets, reps, and rest intervals.

How To Assess Whether A Client Needs More Strength Training Or Conditioning

Proper assessment is often overlooked and people often just look for a ‘hard workout’ or something that will make them sweat and get sore, but they are guessing. Don’t guess when you can assess what someone needs to move forward, make gains, and improve all aspects of their fitness and lives.


A Handbook Built By Combat Veteran, Former Gym Founder, Globally Recognized Coach & Published Author.

Hi, I’m Jason Brown.

I’ve spent my entire 15+ year career training everyday athletes to become healthier, stronger, and better conditioned, using a combination of strength development methods & aerobic systems conditioning methods.

I’ve been exclusively online coaching since 2015. I’m a combat veteran, a former gym owner, founder of Jason Brown Coaching & Box Programming, and a published author of “Lower-body Training” via Human Kinetics. I could introduce CrossFit gyms all over the world to my training methods via my first online business Box Programming. At one point, more than 100,000 people a day were using my programming.

I've written hundreds if not thousands of articles for my website, T-Nation, and EliteFTS specifically about programming. My training systems were developed from a decade+ experience in the trenches training myself and other individuals, and through using these methods at CrossFit gyms all over the world.

A Handbook Built By Combat Veteran, Former Gym Founder, Globally Recognized Coach & Published Author.

Hi, I’m Jason Brown.

I’ve spent my entire 15+ year career training everyday athletes to become healthier, stronger, and better conditioned, using a combination of strength development methods & aerobic systems conditioning methods.

I’ve been exclusively online coaching since 2015. I’m a combat veteran, a former gym owner, founder of Jason Brown Coaching & Box Programming, and a published author of “Lower-body Training” via Human Kinetics. I could introduce CrossFit gyms all over the world to my training methods via my first online business Box Programming. At one point, more than 100,000 people a day were using my programming.

I've written hundreds if not thousands of articles for my website, T-Nation, and EliteFTS specifically about programming. My training systems were developed from a decade+ experience in the trenches training myself and other individuals, and through using these methods at CrossFit gyms all over the world.

But What Makes The UTTH Different From Other Training Templates & Courses?

Most similar courses out there are entirely in one camp: either solely relying on theory, or personal experience not founded in fact.

With UTTH, you'll be learning from the perfect pairing of science-based evidence and real-world experience!

This means concrete exercises, weekly training setups, different goal-oriented programming, & so much more - all tried-and-tested on 100,000+ athletes worldwide.


But What Makes The UTTH Different From Other Training Templates & Courses?

Most similar courses out there are entirely in one camp: either solely relying on theory, or personal experience not founded in fact.

With UTTH, you'll be learning from the perfect pairing of science-based evidence and real-world experience!

This means concrete exercises, weekly training setups, different goal-oriented programming, & so much more - all tried-and-tested on 100,000+ athletes worldwide.


UTTH Allows You To Write Custom 1-Off Programs, Quickly & For Any Goal Using Concurrent Mixed Modality Programming…

But how much does it cost?

I’ll address that right now:

The full value of everything included most would pay over $1k for comparable courses.

That’s not including the decade+ of training I did in the trenches to learn exactly how to optimize these systems to their fullest.

Imagine this…

Having the confidence to promise the world to every new client you sell, knowing your programming will be the foundation for their best results ever…

Because you’re seen as the “go-to” programming expert.

Or being able to write killer programs for yourself to bring a new level of impact & enjoyment!

All for just $197.

UTTH Allows You To Write Custom 1-Off Programs, Quickly & For Any Goal Using Concurrent Mixed Modality Programming…

But how much does it cost?

I’ll address that right now:

The full value of everything included most would pay over $1k for comparable courses.

That’s not including the decade+ of training I did in the trenches to learn exactly how to optimize these systems to their fullest.

Imagine this…

Having the confidence to promise the world to every new client you sell, knowing your programming will be the foundation for their best results ever…

Because you’re seen as the “go-to” programming expert.

Or being able to write killer programs for yourself to bring a new level of impact & enjoyment!

All for just $197.

With UTTH You Get Instant Access To:

✅ 15 total templates with sample programming for a range of balanced, strength or conditioning-biased training splits.

✅ Full guidance for assessing your clients’ needs & starting from the bottom with exercise selection charts, exercise order guides, & much more.


But Wait, There’s More… You’ll Also Get 5 Exclusive Bonuses:

Bonus #1 ($67 Value)

6-12-25 Method Templates & 3 Weeks Of Programming

Leverage this powerful method made popular by the Legend Charles Poliquin to crack plateaus with muscular hypertrophy.

Bonus #2 ($67 Value)

Tactical Programming Templates & 3 Weeks Of Programming

Learn how to plug & play programming for tactical populations.


Bonus #3 ($67 Value)

How To Program Load Carries

Learn how to program loaded carries for both strength & conditioning pieces.

Bonus #4 ($67 Value)

Core Programming 101

Learn how to effectively program core work beyond just doing pointless crunches.

Bonus #5 ($197 Value)

1 Hour Live Programming Simplified Presentation

Watch & take notes as I give a presentation to 100+ coaches this past year going through three important aspects of program design.


So You’ve Come To A Crossroads

Option 1

You can close this page, go back to relying on subpar programming, and always have the thought creeping in “What if I was better at this”….

 Option 2

This is the right choice

Get the Ultimate Training Template Handbook and unlock lifetime access to my full library of templates to write killer programs, learn more about strength & conditioning work, and become an elite-level coach!

With UTTH You Get Instant Access To:

✅ 15 total templates with sample programming for a range of balanced, strength or conditioning-biased training splits.

✅ Full guidance for assessing your clients’ needs & starting from the bottom with exercise selection charts, exercise order guides, & much more.


But Wait, There’s More… You’ll Also Get 4 Exclusive Bonuses:

Bonus #1 ($67 Value)

6-12-25 Method Templates & 3 Weeks Of Programming

Leverage this powerful method made popular by the Legend Charles Poliquin to crack plateaus with muscular hypertrophy.

Bonus #2 ($67 Value)

Tactical Programming Templates & 3 Weeks Of Programming

Learn how to plug & play programming for tactical populations.

Bonus #3 ($67 Value)

How To Program Load Carries

Learn how to program loaded carries for both strength & conditioning pieces.

Bonus #4 ($67 Value)

Core Programming 101

Learn how to effectively program core work beyond just doing pointless crunches.

So You’ve Come To A Crossroads

Option 1

You can close this page, go back to relying on subpar programming, and always have the thought creeping in “What if I was better at this”….

Option 2

This is the right choice

Get the Ultimate Training Template Handbook and unlock lifetime access to my full library of templates to write killer programs, learn more about strength & conditioning work, and become an elite-level coach!


I’m Ready To Level Up My Programming

  • Movement Pattern Hierarchy Chart

  •  Exercise Selection Chart

  • Strength Biased Templates

  • Conditioning Biased Templates

  • Balanced Training Templates

  • 2-6x Per Week Programming

  • Basics Of Exercise Order Guide

  • Basics Of Sets, Reps, Rest Intervals

  • How To Assess Whether A Client Needs More Strength Training Or Conditioning

  • Bonus #1: 6-12-25 Method Templates & 3 Weeks Of Programming

  • Bonus #2: Tactical Programming Templates & 3 Weeks Of Programming

  • Bonus #3: How To Program Loaded Carries

  • Bonus #4: Core Programming 101

  • Bonus #5: 1 Hour Live Programming Simplified Presentation

I’m Ready To Level Up My Programming

  • Movement Pattern Hierarchy Chart

  •  Exercise Selection Chart

  • Strength Biased Templates

  • Conditioning Biased Templates

  • Balanced Training Templates

  • 2-6x Per Week Programming

  • Basics Of Exercise Order Guide

  • Basics Of Sets, Reps, Rest Intervals

  • How To Assess Whether A Client Needs More Strength Training Or Conditioning

  • Bonus #1: 6-12-25 Method Templates & 3 Weeks Of Programming

  • Bonus #2: Tactical Programming Templates & 3 Weeks Of Programming

  • Bonus #3: How To Program Loaded Carries

  • Bonus #4: Core Programming 101


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